How To Relieve Stress Fast


Here are some ways to relieve stress fast, under 10-15 minutes:


  • 1. Take a walk and get fresh air


  • 2.Write in your journal about what worries you, putting pen to paper, writing down what’s going on inside can bring a lot of relief


  • 3.Remember that the stress-thoughts are like clouds,they’re just passing by. Try not to go into the whole story of it: take a deep breath and release with an exhale


Feeling stressed out is hard, I know. And when you can’t let go of stressful thoughts, then my answer to stress-relief is yoga. Sometimes it’s good to take a time-out: to stop and drop into your body, breathe and move mindfully.

A full yoga class that’s 90 minutes can be very beneficial. But if you don’t have much time, 10 or 15 minutes can do great wonders too!

This week’s new class is a full body yoga stretch that starts with a nice hip opening Butterfly pose with some optional variations to open the chest. 


From there I’ll guide you through:


  • Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose, which gently stretches your spine, spinal side flexors, shoulders, groins and hamstrings. It also improves digestion and has a calming effect.


  • Seated twist which increases flexibility in the spine, shoulders and chest. It also stimulates and tones the abdominal organs.


  • Seated forward fold that stretches the entire back side of the body, from heels to neck. It’s very calming for the nervous system.


Try it with me!


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