5 Stretches To Relieve Tight Hips And Legs

My new yoga class to relieve tight hips and legs is filled with great stretches and I’ll highlight five in this Blog.


The best way to relieve tight hips and legs is to stretch them! If you’re sitting a lot, you probably feel tight in your hips. To move and stretch our bodies is important. Especially since our lives are pretty sedentary: working at the office, driving, sitting on the sofa, and so on.


When you sit for a long time, the hip muscles weaken and can feel tight because they’re underused. This can also result in lower back pain.


Our bodies are made to move and so if you feel tight in your hips and legs, remember to take some time to walk, move and stretch regularly. My class has various stretches that you can do regularly as well, it’s only 20 minutes!



Hero Pose

Virasana (Sanskrit)

How to do Hero Pose:

Sit back on your heels or another option is to place your bottom in between your feet on the mat (personally I don’t do this because it doesn’t feel good in my knees, but feel free to try and see how it works for you).

If you want some extra support (and this is my favourite way to sit in Hero Pose) try sitting on a block: place the block in between your feet/ankles and take a seat on your block. 

You can also put a folded blanket or towel under your knees for padding.

If this is an uncomfortable pose or just not for you, skip the pose. 

Benefits: Stretches thighs, knees and ankles; improves digestion; relieves tired legs; improves blood circulation



Revolved Low Lunge Pose/Quad Stretch

Parivrtta Anjaneyasana Variation 1


How to do Revolved Low Lunge Pose/Quad Stretch:

From Low lunge, lift your back foot and reach with your opposite hand towards your back foot. Options to hold on to your back foot, ankle, leg or pants.


Opens tight hips; stretches quads, groin, hip flexors, glutes and psoas muscle; strengthens the knees; helps alleviate lower back pain



Half Split Pose ~

Ardha Hanumanasana (Sanskrit)

How to do Half Split Pose : 

From Low Lunge begin to shift your weight towards your back foot as you straighten your front leg.

Follow with your hands for support and place your hands under your shoulders, on the floor or blocks.

Flex your front foot.

As you exhale, optional to fold from your hips forward to bring your nose towards your front knee.


Benefits: Stretches and strengthens hamstrings stretches calves stretches hips and low back


Seated Pigeon Pose

How to do Seated Pigeon Pose:

Sit up tall with your legs straightened in front of you.

Plant your hands right behind you with fingertips pointing forward.

Bend your left knee and place your left ankle on top of your right knee.

If you’d like to go deeper you can bend your right knee and place your right foot on the floor while bringing your left knee a little closer towards the ground.

Benefits: Opens the hips; great alternative to a regular Pigeon Pose that might feel intense.


Reclined Cow Face Pose

Supta Gomukhasana (Sanskrit)

How to do Reclined Cow Face Pose:

Lie down on your back.

Cross your right leg over your left and stack your knees on top of each other.

Hold on to opposite ankles or lower legs

Benefits: Opens hips; stretches upper legs



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