Yoga can help you feel strong and calm physically and mentally.


Before you keep reading, try this exercise:

  1. Take a seat on your chair or stand up.
  2. Round your upper back slightly and round your shoulders.
  3. Notice how this feels and how your breath flows.
  4. Then slowly release and sit upright.


Now let’s do the opposite.

  1. Lengthen the back of your neck, slightly drop your chin.
  2. Draw your shoulder blades towards each other and open your chest.
  3. Take a breath and observe how your breath flows.
  4. Notice how this posture feels.


What felt different?

Your physical posture can affect your mood and how you feel. In general, when you sit or stand up tall with an open chest you tend to feel stronger and more confident. I sure feel stronger and more self-assured when I take this posture!

Feeling confident in yourself can be achieved in many ways: from the outside in or from the inside out. You can journal or list your skills, talents and accomplishments.

Try different things and see what works best for you! 

This free Yoga for Inner Peace and Confidence video focuses on yoga poses that will:

  • increase back strength
  • improve posture
  • uplift your mood
  • boost your energy levels


I look forward to seeing you there!


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