3 Tips For A Good Morning!


If you snooze, you lose…


A good start of the day sets the tone for the rest of your day. But what if you feel tired and groggy in the morning? Check out my 3 tips for a good morning:

  • Don’t snooze! “If you snooze, you lose” as the saying goes is true. Snoozing actually makes you more tired because you’ll fall into another sleep cycle that you can’t finish. So as soon as the alarm goes off, get up and out of bed! In fact, place your alarm device far away from your bed so that you actually have to step out of bed in order to turn it off.


  • Splash your face with cold water 7 times. Cold water in your face will activate the Vagus Nerve and gives you a nice boost of positive energy! Why 7 times? One for each Chakra.


  • Do yoga! Stretch your body, breathe, set your intention for your day with yoga. You don’t need to go to the gym, it can be done from the comfort of your home.


In this week’s class I’ll guide you through a gentle warm up, gradually moving into energizing poses. In 5 minutes you’ll feel less stiff in your body and more calm in your mind: ready to start the day!


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